A complex design-projet of a store
The most proper way to open a successful shop is to develop a complex design project of the shop and then carry out the project using authorial supervision.
Why sould the design project of a shop be developed by the experts in storebuilding and merchandising?
Ordinary designers of the interiors make it beautiful, architects make it comfortable to build and don't take into account many tarde processes and layout.
All of them don't take into account lots of details, which have their influence on the shop's sales result: layout, commodity neighbourhood, types and kinds of trade equipment, rules of customers' route, product placement and presentation, lighting and other important moments.
To get a profitable store, design and maintenance of the opening should engage experts in storebuilding and merchandising.
A complex design-project of a store consists of the following steps:
Step 1. Projecting
Get competent zoning and planning of a store from the most experienced and proffesional experts in storebuilding and merchandising in Georgia
Zoning (Layout)

Planning of the object area
Measurement and creation of a measurement drawing of an object, preparation of mantlement and dismantlement plan, measurement plan and explication of premises.
Zoning of trade area- preparation of plans of trade equipment and commodity zones placement according to the rules of merchandising and the volume of commodity assortment.
Commodity group placement plan- is a key document, which affects success of trading and directly affects sales volume in a shop.
Trade equipment
We will select and design individual trade equipment for effective presentation of goods.
Step 2. Exterior design
Signboard and entrance group of a store
Properly designed store facade solves the basic problem - makes the store visible for the customer, interests the customer to enter the store, and is what sets the store among others.
External advertising
Development of a design of signboard constuction, stoppers, archs, sheds, which define the entrance of the store, according to the architecture of the building. Creation of a photo montage of day and night view of the facade.
Unified system of advertising and information media:
boards, city-lights, banners, etc.
Informational signs

Development of design of a set of informational signs: working mode, open/closed, prohibiting signs, acceptance of payment cards and others.
Logotype and brand style
Manual for application and use of logotype and brand style.
Creation of a desighn conception of the facade banners.
Facade banners
Development of the design and construction of roadside signs and definition of the optimal placement location, visualization on photos.
External navigation
Branding of transport
Step 3. Design of the interior
Navigation system

We will create a unique athmosphere fo your store, stimulating the customers to do shopping. We do not only make beautiful design, but our design helps you to sell!
Development of a cosncepton of navigation system and definitions in a trade area- definiton of of the levels of navigating and types of navigating elements with location of their placement, naming, and color coding.
DEsing and construcion of navigating elemets, selection of fonts and text, creation of pictograms, texturfes and graphics.
Development of the design of walls, columns, ceiling, floor of the store, and design of the commodity zones. Preparation of the wall elevation with decoration and color decisisons, floor and ceiling plans, slection of the flooring and type of the ceiling.
Creation of a photorealistic image by constructing a three-dimensional model of all basic premises of teh object with exact dimensions and realistic representation of all the elements.
3D visualization
Definiton of the type of light sixtures, preparation of the plan of placement of light fixtures and switchers.
Step 4. Pricers and POS materials
Every third customer leaves a store if he doesn't find a price. Hold your customer- use price holders!

Price holders for bread
Promo price tag
Shelf price holders
Price holders for fruits and vegetables
Price holders for refrigirators and bonnets
Price holders for deli counter
Coin Plate
Step 5. Authorial Supervision
Visiting the store
Accompanying of the opening of the store in order to control the correct realization of the developed design project.

Selection of floor, ceiling
and wall coverings, decorative elements, rosettes.
In office of 4sales, customer, at the manufactory of contractors or other meetings with the maintenance crews.
Meetings at the object
Control of the trqde equipment placement according the plan
Trade equipment
Explanations on the design project for the contractors and maintenance crews, chosen by the customer.